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Manuais Aztech

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Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 em Português

DICA: Para quem usa o Win2000, baixe e instale o WINIPCFG para Windows NT / 2000 / XP.

Site do fabricante : http://www.aztech.com/

dsl900e.jpg (4498 bytes) Aztech ADSL Ethernet Bridge/Router (DSL 906E(1DA/1DU)

 Aztech ADSL Ethernet Bridge/Router (DSL 305E)

Online Manuals 


QuickConnect 3000 = DSL306U

Olá procurei no site abusar sobre o modem QuickConnect 3000 e não encontrei nenhuma referencia a ele .

Bom para ajudar a quem precisar esse modem é na verdade um aztech dsl306u e a pagina para o driver de instalação dele se encontra nesse link ftp.aztech.com/Malaysia/ADSL/DSL306U/D306UTMB100.zip 

Na pagina da quickconnect.com.br não ha nenhuma referencia a este modem e sei que como eu mais alguem deve estar precisando do driver. 

Sua pagina ja me ajudou muitas vezes por isso me sinto no dever de ajudar a quem precisar, um abraço ate breve...

Aztech Turbo 900 (site AZACAMIS)

Initial Setup

NOTE:  You need the DSL Router Commander proggie to configure the router. If your router do not respond to the proggie, then you will nee a serial cable that should come with the package. Else, there is no other way

Step1. For 900ER, follow this setup. If you are connecting the router to an uplink port of a a hub/switch, use a cross cable. If you are connecting it to a normal port of a hub/switch, use a straight cable. This router is different. I do not know why. 

For 9100R, all your PCs can be connected directly to the built-in switch of the router. If you need more ports, just use one of the ports on the router and connect to another hub/switch. If you are connecting the router to an uplink port of a a hub/switch, use a straight cable. If you are connecting it to a normal port of a hub/switch, use a cross cable

Step2. Configure all of your NICs as follows

IP Address -
DNS Pls refer to the ISP table

Step 3. Ping the router to ensure that the IP settings are correct.

Step 4. Run the DSL Commander program. If you do not have it, download it from the link shown on the right. You should see this. (If you don't, proceed to step 6) The IP address by default is as shown. There should not be any password. Just click OK. It that does not work, try using stm as the password

Step 5. You should now see this. Click on the links on the right to configure according to your service plan (Do not go to the next step)

Step 6. Power off the modem, plug the serial cable and run HyperTerminal with these settings. If you do not know how to start a HyperTerminal session, click here

Bits per second 9600
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control Default

Step 7. Power on your modem and you should see this

Step 8. Click on the links on the right to configure according to your service plan


Port Forwarding

NOTE:  Configuring using GUI is easier. Download the DSL commander for that. Follow the steps in Initial Setup page to get connected

Using GUI

Step1. Go to Line Configuration and click on Inbound box under NAT settings 

Step2. Enter the port number, Host IP and choose the right Protocol.Once you click Add, it will appear in the box at the bottom. To remove one of the settings, highlight it and click Remove.

Using CLI

Step 1. To add a port mapping, for eg to map port 21 to, type

nat inbound add ppp_device 21/tcp

the syntax is

add / - add a rule

Step 2. To display current port mappings, type

nat inbound list

it should display something like

# Interface Port/proto New IP addr Flags
1 ppp_device 80/tcp
2 ppp_device 1214/tcp

Step 3. To delete a mapping, type

nat inbound delete 1

where 1 is the rule number corresponding to the list returned by "nat inbound list" command

Step 4. To clear all mappings, type

nat inbound flush

CIPoA Configuration (CLI)

NOTE:  Follow the Initial Setup page to get connected to the router.

Step 1. Start a Telnet session with the router. Once you are in, just follow the command as shown. To clear all previous configurations

            ip device flush

Step 2. Set the internal IP for the router. You can set any IP you want but it  must be of the same subnet as the IPs you have set on your PCs. The name bridge is just a label. You can use any other name but you must use the same name for the other command as well.

            ip device add bridge ether //bridge

Step 3. Set the external IP (w.x.y.z) issued to you by your service provider. The ipoa is just a label, as with bridge

            ip device add ipoa atm //atm w.x.y.z

Step 4. Save configuration

            config save

Step 5. Reboot router


Step 6. Enable forwarding for all router interfaces

            ip relay all

Step 7. Add default route with the external gateway (w.x.y.z) issued by your service provider as the router's gateway. 

           ip route add default w.x.y.z 0:0:0:0

Step 8. Add the VPI/VCI to the gateway (w.x.y.z).

            ip ipatm pvc add ipoa 0/101 remoteip w.x.y.z

Step 9. Enable NAT

            ip nat add ipoa

Step 10. Save configuration and reboot router again

PPP Configuration (CLI)

NOTE:  Go to Initial Setup page to set up your PC for connecting to the router. Start a Telnet session and follow the commands shown

Step 1. Clear previous configurations

ip device flush

Step 2. Set the internal IP for the router. You can set any IP you want but it  must be of the same subnet as the IPs you have set on your PCs

ip device add lan ether //edd
ip subnet add lan.home . ff:ff:ff:0

Step 3. To set the IP configuration of your WAN connection. If you are configuring for PPPoE, add the mtu 1492 in the command. If you are configuring for PPPoA, omit that part

ip device add ppp_device ether //ppp/DEVICE= 1 mtu 1492

Step 4. To configure PPP device 1, assuming the PVC given by your ISP is 0/35. If you are unsure of the VPI/VCI value, refer to the ISP matrix table or contact your ISP

ppp 1 pppoe 0 35

Step 5. CHAP authentication is used in this example. Replace CHAP with PAP if you are using PAP authentication. Your ISP should have supplied you with the userid and password.

ppp 1 welogin myuserid mypassword chap
ppp 1 gateway local
ppp 1 enable

Step 6. To check the PPP connection every 10 seconds. (This is to allow the PPP session to automatically re-establish itself after an ADSL link disruption and re-connection.):

ppp 1 echo every 10

Step 7. To enable IP forwarding between your LAN and WAN

ip relay all

Step 8. To enable NAT on a WAN interface

ip nat add ppp_device

Step 9. Saving the configurations

config save

Step 10. Reboot router


Step 11. Once the router is back online, try to surf.

Service Configuration (DSL Commander GUI)

NOTE:  Download the DSL commander first. Follow the steps in Initial Setup page to get connected

All configuration are in one page. Just choose the right settings for your plan. The things you need to choose are as follows

Protocol - all are routed except for Transparent Bridge which turns it into a plain DSL bridge/modem (the screenshot shows 1577). For transparent bridge, you can only modify the VPI/VCI settings

PVC - enter the right VPI/VCI according to your ISP

IP Address - two part, LAN and WAN. If you want to change the LAN IP, here it is. If your WAN IP is static, enter it here as well. If your WAN IP is dynamic, choose Obtain WAN setting Automatically

NAT - If you have only one public IP, then check on Enable NAT.

Framing Mode - standard now is VC MUX but it that does not work, then just change it to LLC SNAP

PPP Authorization - this is only applicable if the protocol is PPPoE/A. If you do not know which to choose, then use Auto. Most ISP uses PAP. CHAP is more secure, so choose that if your ISP implements that. Enter you User Name and Password after that

Once done, click Apply and Close



Aztech DSL330E(R)
Firmware - V.725-07
oraz DSL Commander
Instrukcja użytkowania v1.2 SDSL 330E(R) pobierz
DSL Commander 330E V1.20 do firmware V.725-05 i nowszych pobierz
Firmware - V.725-05 pobierz
Firmware - V.725-01 pobierz
Firmware - V.724-01 pobierz
DSL Commander 330E V1.10 do firmware V.724-01 i nowszych pobierz
Instrukcja do DSL Commander 330E pobierz
Firmware - V.722-03 pobierz     
Firmware - V.721-13 pobierz     
Firmware - V.721-11 pobierz     
Firmware - V.721-08 pobierz
DSL Commander 330E V1.10 do firmware starszych niż V.724-01 pobierz
Aztech DSL900EB i 900ER
Firmware dla Aztech DSL900ER - V.325-11 pobierz
Firmware dla Aztech DSL900EB - V.2.6.1 pobierz
Firmware dla Aztech DSL900ER - V.325-01 pobierz
DSL Commander 900E i 900ER V1.0 pobierz
Instrukcja użytkowania DSL 900E(R) pobierz
Instrukcja do DSL Commander 900 pobierz
Aztech DSL100U
Instrukcja użytkowania DSL 100U pobierz
Instrukcja użytkowania DSL 100U dla Windows XP pobierz
Aztech DSL305EU
Instrukcja użytkowania DSL305EU pobierz
Aztech DSL705P
Instrukcja użytkowania DSL 705P pobierz
Aztech DSL906EU
Firmware - V.15.2.3 pobierz
Firmware - V.15.2.5 pobierz
Firmware - V.15.2.6 pobierz
Firmware - V.15.2.10 pobierz

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